20 Ways to Make Your New Home Energy Efficient
Who doesn’t want to save money on energy bills? If you’ve just moved into your new home, now’s a great time to make a commitment to being more energy efficient. After all, you have a mortgage now, not to mention all the expenses that go along with home ownership.
So start fresh and heed these tips on how to make your Fort Worth home as energy efficient as it can be.
Did you know that lighting sucks up 11% of your home’s energy? Perform an audit on all of your lighting systems and make the switch.
1. Switch to LED/CFL lights
Incandescent lightbulbs only convert 10% of the energy being consumed into actually lighting your home; the rest gets converted into heat. Switch out those old incandescent light bulbs to CFL or LED. LED bulbs use 75% less energy, and they enjoy a longer lifespan.
2. Turn Off Lights
Many of us leave the lights on when leaving a room. It’s OK. It can be a tough habit to break, but you should try. Now that you’re in a new home, make a renewed effort to shut lights in rooms that you aren’t using. Try motion sensor plug-in lights at night so you don’t have to fumble for the light switch.
Appliances and electronics make up 20% of household energy bills. Here’s how you can reduce the energy used up by your appliances:
3. Use ENERGY-STAR-Rated Appliances
You probably need new appliances now that you’re in a new home. Take this opportunity to invest in Energy Star appliances that will save you money in the long run.
4. Unplug Your Coffee Maker
If your coffee maker stays on to keep your coffee warm for hours in the holder, unplug it after use to save energy. If you’re going on a trip, unplug the coffee maker to avoid energy drain.
5. Clean Refrigerator Coils
Refrigerator coils easily get dusty and dirty, causing your refrigerator to work harder than it should. This results in higher energy bills, and a shorter life span. Before you have the movers re-install your fridge in the new kitchen, wipe down the coils in the back. Then, make a plan to clean them every three to six months.
6. Keep Your Refrigerator and Freezer Full
You may spend more on food, but a well-stocked fridge uses less energy and works to more evenly distribute the cold air.
7. Wash Clothes in Cold Water
Using hot water takes energy to heat the water. Always wash your clothes in cold water to avoid this, and always wash full loads rather than partial loads.
8. Wash at Night
Using your washing machine and dishwasher at night helps save on energy because they work to add heat in your home.
Water Usage
Check out these tips to saving water in your new home.
9. Keep Dishwasher Full
Constantly running a dishwasher that’s half full will waste hot water and energy. Instead, wait till the washer is full to run a load.
10. Fix Leaky Faucets, Sprinklers and Toilets
It’s wise to fix any leaks, even tiny ones, that could be wasting water. If you know you have a leak but don’t know where it’s coming from, check your hoses, sprinklers, faucets, toilets, and showers for the source.
11. Limit Shower Time
Cutting down on shower time saves a lot of money on your water and power bills. If you take 20 minute showers now, cut them to 10.
12. Monitor Sprinklers and Adjust Timers
Your sprinklers should run in the early morning or in the evening when it’s cooler. If you water your lawn during the day when it’s scorching hot, a lot of the water will evaporate and not even make it deep into the ground. If you have a rain setting on your sprinkler, engage it so it doesn’t run in inclement weather.
13. Turn Water Off
When not actively using water, turn it off, such as when brushing your teeth or lathering in the shower.
14. Use Dishwasher Over Hand Washing
You may think it’s better to hand wash your dishes, but the opposite is actually true. Washing by hand uses much more water than simply running the dishwasher. The EPA says efficient dishwashers use half as much water as hand washing, saving 5,000 gallons a year.
15. Use a Spray Nozzle
When washing your car or running the hose, use a spray nozzle that conserves water and that you can turn off when not using.
During the Summer
Here are some tips for keeping energy use lower during the summer months.
16. Add Insulation
If your new home has no insulation in the attic, or it’s woefully insufficient, install insulation or add more. This will keep temperatures throughout the home more consistent and keep your family comfortable through all seasons, especially cooler in summer.
17. Open Windows in Evenings and Mornings
Lower your AC costs by shutting it down in the mornings and evenings and opening up your windows. You can also use fans to cool down the house. Run your AC only in the middle of the day when very hot.
18. Use the Ceiling Fan
Ceiling fans keep your home cooler by four degrees at least because they circulate the air around your house. Make sure they are switched to the right direction for summer.
During the Winter
In winter, heed these tips to lower energy use.
19. Fix Drafts and Leaks
Cold air leaks into your home through small cracks and gaps in windows and doorways. Seal gaps with caulk or weather-stripping to prevent warm air from getting out.
20. Upgrade Your Thermostat
A programmable smart thermostat allows you to customize your heating schedule in an effort to save money and energy. You can control them right from your smartphone.
Contact Luke’s Moving
If you’re about to move, get a free quote from the experts at Luke’s Moving. Call us for a free quote in Fort Worth at 817-839-3530.